The Draft ShapingSEQ 2023 Update – Our Response
YIMBY QLD welcomes the overarching themes and aspirations of the draft ShapingSEQ Update. For too long, Australian housing policy has neglected the supply of social and affordable housing, leading to housing stress, homelessness and the dire social ramifications associated with these situations. A concerted narrative shift towards consolidation, affordable and social housing and densification in the right locations is apparent and aligns congruently with our belief in housing as an essential human right, which strongly informs our quality of life.
With a focus from all levels of Government, industry and the community, the opportunity exists to present a collective response advocating for immediately impactful planning reforms to unlock opportunities for more social and affordable housing and remove barriers that block or delay new housing.
To reinforce our support for social and affordable housing, YIMBY QLD has lodged a submission to the draft ShapingSEQ Update to:
a. Amend the definition of affordable housing, in order to ensure consistency across the state, deliver fair and equitable housing outcomes for the diversity of tenures, typologies and care required across the housing spectrum, and ensuring affordability across the lifespan of projects; and
b. Cut red tape to allow social and affordable housing to be located on appropriate sites owned by religious, not-for-profit or educational institutions to deliver immediately impactful boosts to housing supply for those most vulnerable.
Inspired by the Californian Faith and Higher Education Lands Act of 2023, which establishes affordable and social housing as a use by right on land owned by religious institutions and independent institutions of higher education. Nominated premises are consequently decided from a range of criteria, including location, affordability provisions and development standards, with provisions for density bonuses.
We aspire for a similar model to be implemented in the ShapingSEQ Update as a quick-win to accelerate the supply of social and affordable housing, which has been long-neglected in Australian housing policy. Lands owned by religious, education and not-for profit institutions are abundant in our cities, and often in existing communities with a high level of amenity. Locations with ample accessibility, recreational facilities and proximity to education, healthcare and services represent a logical model for affordable housing implementation, enabling a greater opportunity for societal participation and improved livelihoods.
We call on the State Government to implement our recommendations in the final version of the ShapingSEQ Update. These policies represent an efficient approach, informed by best practice implementations, to achieve the bold and commendable social and affordable housing targets set out in the draft regional plan. South-East Queensland will change dramatically over the next 20 years, fueled by population growth, demographic change and the Olympics. It is imperative that we do not neglect social and affordable housing in this journey. YIMBY Qld would love for communities to show their support for our initiative and leverage the great opportunity that exists to implement lasting reforms for housing affordability.