Brisbane’s ban on townhouses a character assassination!
Brisbane City Council’s proposed temporary ban on townhouses (groups of duplexes, triplexes and rowhouses) is taking Brisbane back to the 1960s!
It’s out-of-date planning that will make living in Brisbane more expensive, will fuel suburban sprawl and will erode housing choice from our suburbs. Brisbane Council claim their proposed immediate ban on townhouses in Low Density Residential zones is to protect the ‘character’ of our suburbs, but it‘s more like a character assassination of people who live in townhouses. And, it will have no impact on the suburbs that spring to mind when you say ‘character’, because most are already zoned for higher density living, giving them their rich character.
Say YES to housing choice and affordability by saying NO BAN! Let us know your thoughts, write to the Planning Minister (who makes the final decision) and let City Hall know! Listen here to our discussion on Steve Austin’s Drive on Tuesday #bantheban @yimbyqld