The Queensland State Government has recently released their Homes for Queenslanders strategy, containing a suite of bold policies to deliver housing for all. In this article, we ask: What is…
YIMBY QLD welcomes the overarching themes and aspirations of the draft ShapingSEQ Update. For too long, Australian housing policy has neglected the supply of social and affordable housing, leading to…
YIMBY QLD welcome the initiatives proposed by Brisbane City Council in its Housing Supply Action Plan unveiled last month. To encourage infill development in the right locations, infrastructure charges will…
Cars or Houses: Rethinking Our Priorities for Liveable Cities
Our housing affordability crisis has forced many Australians to come to terms with the need for housing choice, diversity and increased density. However, each new development often sparks heated debate…
Amid the housing crisis, it is easy to get bogged down in finger pointing. Whether it be directed at negative gearing, urban sprawl or housing supply; the truth is it…
YIMBY QLD supports increased provision of cycling infrastructure. Providing commuter, recreational and localized active transport links can contribute to social engagement, physical activity and replace vehicular journeys. Benefits Active transport…
YIMBY QLD supports more housing in different forms as a means to improve housing affordability and promote intergenerational equity in property. Housing is a vital social determinant of health that…
In the first of our new ‘If we’re saying no, what are we saying yes to?‘ series, we discuss the opposition to the Gold Coast Light Rail and why saying…
The Federal Government has recently unveiled a package of housing legislation, comprising three bills: Housing Australia Future Fund Bill The National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill The Treasury Laws…
Here at YIMBY QLD, we talk an awful lot about the ‘missing middle’ and ‘gentle density’. But just what is the missing middle? Basically, it’s anything that’s denser than a…
By Natalie Rayment It’s the century of the city, a decade of densification in an urban millennium. In the space of a New York Minute, cities are growing up fast. …
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The Queensland State Government has recently released their Homes for Queenslanders strategy, containing a suite of bold policies to deliver housing for all. In this article, we ask: What is…
YIMBY QLD welcomes the overarching themes and aspirations of the draft ShapingSEQ Update. For too long, Australian housing policy has neglected the supply of social and affordable housing, leading to…
YIMBY QLD welcome the initiatives proposed by Brisbane City Council in its Housing Supply Action Plan unveiled last month. To encourage infill development in the right locations, infrastructure charges will…
By Natalie Rayment Sara Maxana posed a serious question to the world’s NIMBY practitioners when she spoke at the world’s first YIMBY conference in Boulder Colarado. Sara was telling her…
By Natalie Rayment The YIMBY, or Yes In My Back Yard movement is gaining momentum around the globe, and most people don’t realise they’re a part of it. It’s a…
By Natalie Rayment What will South East Queensland look like in 50 years’ time? We know many of us would like to see people riding hover boards Marty McFly style…