Evolution of Newstead North
By Natalie Rayment
It is a continuously evolving precinct within 3kms of Brisbane’s CBD that used to be home to the commander of the Beagle (of Charles Darwin fame) and is now the corporate home of Virgin Australia.
We are talking about Newstead North. A mix of residential, business and light industrial uses.
Brisbane City Council is currently drafting the future of Newstead North in the form of a Neighbourhood Plan. The community recently had the opportunity to provide feedback on the strategy informing the draft neighbourhood plan.
YIMBY Qld submitted feedback on the draft strategy and here are our key recommendations:
- Extend the areas identified for Mixed Use zoning to allow for inner urban growth;
- Include incentives for excellence in design, innovation and sustainability in the planning scheme to better embrace local and global opportunities when they arise e.g. through reduction in levels of assessment and/or introduction of height bonuses built into acceptable outcomes. The combination of the proposed zoning and intended building heights of up to 8 storeys does not give adequate consideration to the incentives and flexibility required to inspire projects featuring world-class design excellence, sustainability, innovation and community dividend; and
- Encourage a broader base of potential employment generating land uses within mixed use zonings and low impact industry zonings such as art galleries, art spaces, educational uses, incubator activities, indoor sport and recreation and boutique theatres.
Ultimately, we believe that the precinct can continue to evolve and become home to more leading projects and showcase developments that inspire the community and visitors alike, positively contributing to Brisbane’s competitiveness on the world stage.