As Industry players, we have the knowledge and ability to inform, inspire, and influence people to create better development outcomes for our cities and regions. It is up to us to champion development as a force for good and fight misconceptions about our industry.

How you can help make Queensland more equitable, sustainable, and liveable:

  • Talk with your friends, family, and community about what good development looks like and how it can benefit our cities and regions.
  • Help the community understand what they can and cannot influence when it comes to development outcomes in our suburbs.
  • Myth-bust common planning misconceptions wherever you can.
  • Support plans, policies, and development outcomes that you believe are good for your community.
  • Use your knowledge and expertise to influence development outcomes that will provide community benefit.
  • Prepare three examples of recent good developments that you can point to should someone ask and be able to explain how these examples improve liveability, affordability, or sustainability.  
  • Help connect the dots between good development outcomes and social justice and environmental issues.
  • Encourage people to join you in supporting good developments and writing positive submissions.

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